Thursday, December 24, 2009

In my 31 years here on earth, this is the first Christmas Eve that I have ever spent alone. I usually travel to Arizona to see my Mom and Sisters for Christmas, but this year I am 39 weeks pregnant and therefore unable to travel and make the trip. My heart goes out to those who have nobody to spend the Holidays with. I have been so very blessed with a close knit family all these years and now I know what it's truely like to spend one alone (and let me just say that it SUCKS!!!!!) When Sienna and Tristan went to their Dads house this afternoon I did manage to have a little fun with Kyla. My Kyla Bear and I ventured down to the beach in our little Santa hats to stick our toes in the sand and watch the Christmas Eve sunset (something I have never done, guess it's a Christmas Eve of firsts) After the sun set on another Christmas Eve gone by, we stopped for our traditional pizza feast. On the way home Kyla fell asleep with visions of sugar plums and wouldn't wake up for anything, so I sat alone in front of the twinkling lights of the tree and tried to enjoy my pizza in the uncomforting chilling silence of an empty house. It was the still silence that brought me to tears and my heart felt so empty! I miss my family and I miss my babies! I have tried all day to be positive and thankful for what I do have, but being pregnant and alone at the Holidays is unbearable!!!
My snuggle Bear, giving Mommy some loves at the beach!

My Boo Bear!

The Christmas Eve Sun setting at our place on the beach.

Kyla bear, Mommy bear, and baby bear snuggling on the beach and watching the sunset. Thank you to the kind Elf who spotted us in our Santa hats down by the shore and strolled all the way down to offer to take our photo! Thank you little elf!

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